The TW™ is more than just a truck accessory.
The Tactical Wash (TW™) is a custom no-touch aluminum water and foam soap handwashing station for a work crew of five.
Designed with the health of our country’s workers in mind, It’s also a life saver.
The TW™ is more than just a truck accessory.
The Tactical Wash (TW™) is a custom no-touch aluminum water and foam soap handwashing station for a work crew of five.
Designed with the health of our country’s workers in mind, It’s also a life saver.
Hoodworks introduces the TW™, a patent-pending, custom no-touch aluminum water and foam soap station that enables a full day’s worth of handwashing for a crew of five, bolts to your truck, and collects wastewater for safe disposal.
More than just a truck accessory, the TW ™ from Hoodworks is purposefully designed to OSHA standards with the health and safety of our country’s workers in mind.